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Sponsor a Special Award

Special Awards are an additional set of awards granted to student projects each year. Anyone can sponsor a special award and decide the criteria of the winning project. Special Awards would not be available without your support!

Raghu Dhara

Director of Special Awards

Thank you to all of our 2023 Special Award Sponsors

ACSEF Organizing Board

      ● President's Award
      ● Director’s Award
      ● Emerging Scientist Award
      ● Longevity Achievement Award
Alameda County Water and Wastewater Agencies
American Psychological Association
Association for Women Geoscientists
Broadcom Coding With Commitment

Chevron Innovation Award

Lemelson Foundation Award

NASA Earth System Science Award
National Geographic Award
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Northern California Institute of Food Technologists
Office of Naval Research - U.S. Navy / U.S. Marine Corps

Regeneron Biomedical Science Award

Ricoh USA, Inc.
Society for In Vitro Biology
Switch Therapeutics Biology Award
Switch Therapeutics Chemistry Award
U.S. Metric Association
U.S. Stockholm Junior Water Prize
Yale Science and Engineering Association

Sponsor a Special Award

Special awards can be sponsored by any person, team, or company. You can decide the prize amount ($25 minimum) and what criteria the winning project fits. These awards allow more students to be recognized for their hard work. 

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